Digital Film Scanners - Nikon CoolScan III (LS-30) Film Scanner Review, Information, and Specifications: "Recently, they've been making waves with their 'prosumer' digital cameras as well, with their CoolPix 900 establishing a new benchmark for cost and image quality. Long before anyone had heard of digital cameras though, Nikon made some of the first 35mm film scanners. As such, they probably have more experience in this area than any other manufacturer currently active in the desktop film-scanner business. Recently, they've pioneered a remarkable defect-elimination technology they call 'Digital ICE', that does an extraordinary job of removing dust and scratches from scanned images.
Elsewhere on this site, we have an extensive review of Nikon's flagship Super CoolScan LS-2000 film scanner. Here, we review the little brother of that unit, the CoolScan III, or LS-30 model. Overall, the CoolScan III was made to the identical specifications as the LS-2000, but with several features dropped or scaled back, to make a unit more affordable for those not needing the high-end capabilities of the more-expensive device."
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