Digital Film Scanners - Olympus ES-10 Film Scanner Review, Information, and Specifications: "Supported Film Types
One of the things we've learned in playing with film scanners is just how strange color negative film is! Proper color-correction of color negatives during scanning turns out to be quite an art: Not only do you need to compensate for (substantial) variations between film types and brands, but the orange 'masking' can also vary in density with the underlying image content. Overall, it's far from straightforward to sort out the necessary color transforms when scanning color negatives.
The ES-10 (and most other scanners we've seen) deal with this in part by having custom color profiles for different film types. In the case of the ES-10, profiles are provided for the following manufacturers and film types."
StImaging product also provides the simplicity of use of a regular motorized scanners carrier about . Microfilm Scanners